Location & Events
Infected Air operates exclusively online and does not maintain a physical storefront. To view and experience our products before making a purchase, kindly contact us via email at info@infectedair.com. We will gladly provide you with information regarding our upcoming events and sponsorships where you can inspect our products. Please be aware that we do not maintain a brick-and-mortar inventory for direct visits.
We highly encourage you to join Infected Air for a Military Simulation (Milsim). New players and advanced players are encouraged to be apart of our community. We strictly focus on high end military simulations that provide the best experience. Currently, the best military simulation company in the world is Milsim West.
Please visit http://milsimwest.com/ to sign up. Milsim West is the worlds premier war gaming experience. All staff members are prior service, making the simulation extremely realistic. Milsim West events are a superior player experience. Providing not only ultra realistic conditions, but also enforcing them.
WARNING to new players: These events are not easy. They are 44 hours straight with no lunch breaks, no sleep, and no timeout. We highly encourage you train months in advance for an event. Some events require extensive amounts of hiking and walking; upwards to 20-30 miles.
How to sign up:
- Go to Milsimwest.com
- Select "Tickets"
- Select the events that Infected Air or BlueMag Airsoft has announced they will be attending
- Select the faction (NATO/RUSFOR/MILITIA) we have advertised on our social media page. This is the team we will be playing on.
- When signing up, to be placed with the Infected Air team, please place "BLUEMAG AIRSOFT GROUP" in the "Who do you want to be grouped with?" section of the sign up page. This will ensure you and your friends are assigned to our platoon. Infected Air staff run exclusively with our ammo suppliers, BlueMag Airsoft.
- Wait for your emails for further guidance
What do I bring?
Milsim West events require a full packing list of equipment. It can be found here: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/50e53176e4b0837383d71516/t/617478c83d2ccf59c0487fbe/1635023082136/MSW+TACSOP+3.3.pdf
(Milsimwest.com>TACSOP>Page 10)
All Red Items on the list are mandatory. Please ensure you have them.
We are Recruiting!
Infected Air needs you for Milsim West. Join now to fight for the cause.